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An Ocean of Lies
It has been said that Satan does not care what you believe as long as it isn’t true. Since God is truth, It is to the advantage of Satan to obscure the truth. In this he is aided by many that make declarations in ignorance (1Tim 1:7), attempt to control others (Matt 15:9), or even eager to push his agenda (John 8:44). With modern mass media, lies can be spread around the world instantly. Often today and especially with politicians the phrase, “establish the narrative” is used. This describes a lie manufactured to be plausible and thus acceptable (likely to be believed). This indicates a key component in lying, that of working within the belief framework of the target. Being able to connect with a strong emotional component can be important to get one to accept a lie. For example, seeing an enemy in particularly vile terms can make one eager to support a war. Whereas having the proposition presented as an opportunity to experience hardship and deprivation, suffering, and even death so that someone else can profit might be closer to the truth, but less likely to get one to enlist. Advertisers know that you can sell a lot of perfume, if you can get women to believe that their product will make men swoon. A lie can be sold if one sees something that seems to verify it (seeing is believing). For example, one might be more inclined to purchase the Brooklyn Bridge, if he is shown a picture of it. It was necessary for Satan to destroy families to build up the collectives he needs to enslave the world. While advancing this plan under the guise of “progress” he has used technology to support the idea that this is the right direction to go. One cannot deny that technology has provided many comforts over pre-industrial society. However, no one seems to question if “comfort” was the direction we should have sought. Some lies are nested in other lies. For example, the seductive exploitation of women is made easier if they can be persuaded that they control their own fertility so that then an enticement to fornication would not seem to have any consequences. Using this technique Satan first convinced the world that there was no God. This established a foundation for him so that many of his other lies could be built upon this premiss. Today it is difficult to find a college student who has a solid belief in God. As a result, one can convince a typical college student of almost anything.. There are lies that appeal to vanity and pride such as one’s race, patriotism, or that one is special. We are so vulnerable to that which is not true, especially that which makes us feel good, it is amazing that some still seek truth. Jesus said that those who were “of the truth” would hear his voice. This ability to resonate with truth seems to result from an internal configuration that is called “being of the truth”. It may also be that this configuration helps those who have it resist being taken in by lies. Considering how saturated our world is with that which is not true, it would seem critical for Christians to immerse themselves in God’s word (which is also truth) as well as being led by the Holy Spirit of truth. In addition Christian maturity reduces selfishness such that lies find less purchase. Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; - 1 Timothy 4:1-2
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