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Christianity was supposed to be about becoming like Jesus. | ![]() |
We went in the wrong direction. |
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Being a Berean
The term 'Berean' might be familiar to some. Luke describes (Acts 17:10-11) Paul arriving at the city of Berea and announcing the gospel of Jesus in the Synagogue. The response of the believers in Berea was called 'more noble' than that of the those in Thessolonica because the gospel was received with 'readiness of mind'. Also the Bereans would search the scriptures to see if what they were being told was true. There is a degree of restlessness in the heart of a believer that is only satisfied with truth. The Christian 'marketplace' is awash with various doctrines and claims. However, the Christian who is thirsty for truth is never completely satisfied with anything short of Christ who is truth. We are told that the bible is truth (John 17:17). This provides us something against which all else can be measured. The bible also serves to provide us with a means to sharpen our discernment so that we are better able to recognize truth. The more we allow ourselves to be washed (Eph 5:26) with God’s word, the greater its effect on us will be. There is a degree of enthusiasm we should have for the things of God (Mat 5:6). The grind of daily life can produce a dullness and complacency such that we are lulled into a sort of dormant Christian life. We should recognize if we have slipped into a sort of sleep-walking Christian life (1Cor 15:34). Perhaps the first step of revitalizing ones Christian life is to ask if one has assumed that he has accomplished all that is required. This may include various tasks such as baptism, church attendance, making a profession, saying a particular prayer, or giving an amount of money. If one looks at his faith in terms of accomplishment, he may feel that there is nothing left to do and allow himself to rest from 'religious' activities. A task perspective can be crippling for a Christian because following rules, avoiding big sins, or saying the right prayers can lead a person to see himself as having a successful Christian life. This is the trap that the Pharisees fell into. Rather than a checklist of accomplishments, we should measure ourselves against Jesus (Eph 4:13). Seeing how far short we all fall from the stature of Christ, we should consider availing ourselves of all that God offers us to follow the path of Christ-likeness. He provides us with his Spirit (John 16:13), He provides us with his word (Luke 24:32), He provides us with fellow believers (Col 3:16). If the world wears us down, we should consider seeking out that which can build us up. A vital bible study where questions are welcomed, seeking is not quenched to achieve compliance, and curiosity can be satisfied may be a step towards a more active faith that produces a more noble character and results in growing more like Jesus. |
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