Christianity was supposed to be about becoming like Jesus. We went in the wrong direction.
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Tithing is the practice of giving one tenth of what one has or earns to someone else. The bible mentions Abraham giving one tenth of the spoils of war to a priest of God called Melchezidek. It is not recorded if this was an ongoing giving or a one time event (since it was the result of a battle, one might see a case for a one time event). A more widely understood practice was that of Israel who were required to give one tenth of their agricultural produce to the tribe of Levities who did not receive a portion of land, but instead worked in temple activities.

Many churches today advocate tithing with the sincere belief that this is what is taught in the bible. However, today it is not needed to support 1/12th of the population. Most is used to pay the bank loan on a church building and then the salaries of a hired staff. While not specifically prohibited in the bible, these expenses might be questioned in regard to how appropriate they are for Christians today.

Many Christians see as absolute necessity a church building. However, having a building for people to gather to hear a half hour lecture each week might be more economically achieved by renting a school building or hotel meeting room. The salary for a full time pastor is another expense that is often considered necessary. Often the salary for gifted speakers can be fairly high. However, one should consider if what is being purchased is speaking skill or the ability to help the church members to become more like Christ. A good case can be made that seminary and advanced “education” is actually harmful to the ability to help individuals become Christ-like.

Paul in writing the Corinthians regarding a special collection to be made for the saints in Jerusalem tells them to give in proportion as God has prospered them (1Cor 16:2). Here the implication seems to be that one should give out of his surplus, whether salve or free. Paul also writes that Christian giving is to be determined individually as each person decides (2Cor 9:7).

After 12 years of public school most people find it easier to “do what they are told” and follow the rest of the “herd”. This works to the advantage of those who declare that it is God’s will that everyone give 10% of their money to them. In addition to being exploitive, this begins to cultivate a sense of having purchased one’s way into heaven. Flushing money through an organizational system also isolates individuals from each other. What one person could do for another relationally is changed into an expectation of a system for performance sort of like what one would expect from a welfare department.

If we place our money with other individuals, that is where our concern will be (Matt 6:21). Our direct concern for our brothers and sisters in Christ allows us to learn of needs and respond to them directly. This builds relationships between believers and not through an organizational bureaucracy.

Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. - Galatians 6:2



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